Tuesday, 25 May 2010

New Cunts On The Block

By UNCUNT staff
A couple of Friday's ago I made the regrettable decision to watch the Jonathan Ross Show. I only caught the last 15 minutes but what I saw was still enough to make me angry.

Jonathan Ross himself is not a cunt. He's a nice man who has to work with cunts on a weekly basis. Ross also has decent taste in music. So it's a shame that his production team force him to schedule cunts like The Drums on his show.

Don't get me wrong, The Drums do have a right to exist. In a fantasy world where artifical life has taken over the earth. In this sci-fi imagining, the heart, soul and minds of human beings have been surgically removed and replaced with bits of lego and stuff. Humans have been enslaved and the world is run by homoerotic robots with neat haircuts and bleached teeth. These robots listen to The Drums on their iPods and give them recording contracts. They have no critical taste and are devoid of any genuine emotions. If anybody dissents and is heard to mutter "fuck off, these are shite" under their breath, the secret robot police come and take you off to the robot leader where you are charged with treason and tortured.

But this is the real world, not Orwell's '1984'. So how have these cunts (Jonathan Pierce, Jacob Graham, Adam Kessler and Connor Hanwick from Brooklyn, NYC) infiltrated our music scene?*

Well, they did it using one song. Not the song above, but one probably written for them by a producer who's spent too much time listening to Television and then thought "hey, this would sound good if like Marc Almond sang on it and it was a bit more Blink 182-ish" - the result, 'Let's Go Surfing'.

It's a catchy tune. Annoyingly catchy. The video is meaningless. All four of the twats jogging aimlessly on the beach at night under cover of darkness; perhaps hinting at their previous careers as rent boys? If there was ever a good time for a Tsunami to pound ashore dragging all life out to sea it was surely during the filming of that video.

The words Pierce sings lack anything approaching real sentiment or meaning. Presumably a deliberate attempt to be clever and edgy. Fail. Fuck off and try again.

"Wake up, there's a new kid in the town. Honey, he's moving into the big house." whines the lead cunt, pandering horrifically to the kind of 'rich kid chic' The Strokes really didn't want to engender in modern indie music but sadly did - just by being rich.

Back to the Jonathan Ross show and I can't quite believe what I'm seeing. As his seemingly 14 year old backing band keep their heads down, presumably embarrassed or fearing the sack if they miss a note, the singer (I can't be bothered to write his name again) affects some kind of stilted, spasticated mime act while 'singing' a verse about his best friend who died at the age of 23 (you don't sound that bothered, you cunt.) Then, to cap it all, a chorus with shrieking, constipated vowel noises rather than actual words.

My first impulse is to chuck the TV out of the window. But such an act would be self defeating as it would just mess up my garden.

Later, Chris texts me saying "I felt like taking a crowbar to the singer's face".

If anybody else out there feels like taking a crowbar to the singer's face - please, feel free. Maybe if we get enough people together we can attack him as an angry, baying mob. If we all wear balaclavas, pick an ambush spot out of sight of CCTV and disperse in waiting getaway cars, the chances of being charged with murder would be significantly reduced.

*There is no music scene anymore - just an endless stream of unconnected marketed/PR'd bullshit.


  1. you're wrong. jonathan ross is one of the biggest cunts on the planet. other than that you were spot on

  2. Fair play. I suppose he is a bit of a cunt sometimes. e.g. his friendship with one of the world's biggest cunts, Russell Brand.

  3. They're the Thierry Henry of the music world; they're actually good, but it just a shame they have to act like cunts while doing it. A band called Ima Robot did that a few years ago, back in about 2003, and they were a lot better. But that songs good, it's just a shame they have such a douche for a frontman.


  4. Dear Jimmy,

    They're not "actually good", they're cunts. Yes the singer is the cuntiest thing about them but, in all fairness, he's just the cherry on top of a very large cunt cake.

    I don't know Ima Robot. They sound like cunts. But I'll reserve my judgement until I've looked into them. Then I'll probably call them cunts.


  5. Jonathan Ross is, without doubt, one of the biggest cunts to have walked this planet.

    As for his musical tastes his Radio 2 playlist from 22nd May included :

    Kings of Cunts
    Reverend and The Cunters


  6. Am I allowed to say Cunt on this blog?

  7. There's more cunt in that band then a 1993, soiled copy of Readers Wives, hairy minge edition.

    What a complete bunch of pickled cunts.

    And what's that dancing all about??! Has he been overindulging himself with re-runs of P Crouches 'best' ever goal cerebrations while tripping on one a day multi vitamins washed down with his dads alchohol free mouthwash?

    Wot a C U Next Time

  8. Thank you all for your delightful responses. I'm glad you agree with me. It makes me feel less of a cunt.

  9. My only after watching this video- God I fucking hate this shower of producer's twinks. Fucking cunts of the worst kind. Even the most non-virtuoso bands of the 80s could play better than these cunts. They should be sent to the electric chair. As for Jonathan Ross he (allegedly) gets his p*ppers from a s3x shop in Slough. And he's cunt.

  10. the thing i don't really understand about this blog, and many blogs, is if these cunt's piss you off so much why waste so much energy writing about them.

  11. Jonathon ross is a most monumental cunt, and so is his hippy druggy cunt mate russell arsebandit bland brand


Cunt someone off here...

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